A cookie is a small data file stored on your computer (or tablet, smartphone) when you browse this site.
Almost all websites use this technical means to keep information about the pages viewed by users. This is to memorize preferences and display settings from one page viewed to another.

We use cookies on this site :
– To ensure the proper functioning of this site.
– To ensure the security of your connection.
– To facilitate your navigation and your user experience.
– To establish anonymous attendance statistics in order to continuously improve our services.

The data stored in these cookies do not allow us to identify you personally (name, first name, address, etc.). They are kept for a maximum of 12 months, beyond which they are automatically deleted and a new consent on cookies is requested.

Categories of cookies used on the site :

– Essential
These cookies are essential to the functioning of the site, they cannot be disabled.
Cookies used : PHPSESSID, buildeo_gdpr_compliance, SERVERID, wp-settings-time-*, pll_language

– Google reCAPTCHA

– Audience measurement / statistics
These cookies are used to produce anonymous visitor statistics using the French Matomo solution, enabling us to improve the site and offer you a better user experience.
Cookies used : _pk_id, _pk_ref, _pk_ses, _pk_cvar, _pk_hsr

For any technical problem encountered with the use of cookies on this site, you can contact us via the contact form of the site or by mail to the address indicated in the legal notices.

Thank you for your trust:
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