The TSCS aluminum rolling platform adapts itself to your needs.
The TSCS modular rolling work platform is addressed to all types of professions (painters, plumbers, electricians, industrial maintenance, construction and so on) evolving on work heights varying from 2.30m to 2.60m and 2.50 to 3m on flat floor.
It was built to answer the current work at low height problematic and to adapt to all the specific cases encountered by its users.
Unlike all the current equipments, stepladder, footboard limiting the range of action, the platform offers the possibility of working with two people on large surfaces going from 1m² to more than 13m² without any extension limit but with an appreciable comfort of work and all the while respecting the European safety norms (NF P93-520 norm).
Out of concern for rigor, expertise and quality, we made sure that the industrials working on conceiving and manufacturing this work platform would all be French.
The linked brochure available to download and this website will give you an idea as to the potential of this work platform ; already approved in the world of construction, industry and collectivities.